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                                                                                       FIBER OPTIC & COMPONENT

1.PM Components


1310/1550nm Polarization Maintaining Dual Fiber Collimator

Hot tags  :  Polarization Maintaining dual fiber collimator AFR's Polarization

Maintaining collimator 1310, 1550 Polarization Maintaining fiber collimator


Coherent Modulator 100-200G PM-QMZ

Hot tags  :  100-200G Modulator


Coherent Modulator 400-600G PM-QMZ

Hot tags  :  400-600G Coherent Modulator 400-600G PM


Dual Output Analog Modulator (AM-1)

Hot tags  :  Dual Output Analog Modulator Modulator


High Bandwidth Zero-Chirp Modulator, F10-0 (792000770)

Hot tags  :  High Bandwidth Zero-Chirp F10-0 (792000770) Modulator


20&40 GHz Intensity Modulators (AM20, AM40)

Hot tags  :  AM20 AM40 20&40 GHz Intensity Modulators 20&40 GHz


b) Optical Isolator


1550nm Polarization Maintaining Optical Circulator

Hot tags  :  PM Circulator Component PM Circulator for Optical Network 

Polarization Maintaining


1310/1550nm Free Space Isolator

Hot tags  :  Free Space Isolator Componenet for Optical Network Free space

isolator for your best choice


1550nm Integrated Tap Photodiode Isolator

Hot tags  :  1550nm Optical Component High Power Fiber Isolator Fiber Isolator

for Equipment Test


1550nm 10W Polarization Maintaining Isolator

Hot tags  :  Polarization Maintaining Isolator PM Fused Fiber Coupler Online High

Power Fiber Optical Isolator


1310/1480/1550nm Polarization Maintaining Tap Isolator

Hot tags  :  Polarization Maintaining Tap Isolator Component Polarization Maintaining

Tap Isolator PM Optical Isolator for Optical Network


2000nm 5W Fiber to Free Space Isolator

Hot tags  :  2000nm High Power Component Fiber to Free Space Isolator Fiber Laser


Component,High Power Isolator for Pulsed Application


1310/1480/1550 nm Isolator Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter

Hot tags  :  1310/1480/1550 nm Optical Isolator PBS/PBC Isolator PBS/PBC Fiber Laser 

High Power Fiber Isolator PBS/PBC Component


1310/1480/1550nm Isolator PBS/PBC

Hot tags  :  Isolator PBS/PBC Optical Component Isolator PBS/PBC Fiber Component


c) Optical Circulator


1550nm Polarization Maintaining Optical Circulator

Hot tags  :  PM Circulator Component PM Circulator for Optical Network Polarization Maintaining


1310/1550nm 3-Port Mini Fiber Optic Circulator

Hot tags  :  3-Port Circulator for Optical Component Fiber Optic Circulator for

Optical Network 

Mini Fiber Optic Circulator for Optical Network Application


1310/1550nm 4-port Mini Fiber Optic Circulator

Hot tags  :  4-Port Circulator Optical Component Optical Fiber Circulators 4-Port for Optical Network 

4-port Mini


d) Fused Coupler/WDM


1064/1550nm Ultra Low Ratio Tap Coupler

Hot tags  :  1064 ultra low ratio tap coupler 1550 tap coupler AFR tap coupler


850/1310/1550 nm Multimode Fused Coupler

Hot tags  :  Fiber Optic Fused Coupler Multimode Fused Coupler for Optical Network 

Fused Fiber Optic Couplers Component


2000nm Polarization Maintaining Fused WDM (2000 & 1570, 2000 & 800, 2000 & 650)

Hot tags  :  Polarization Maintaining Fused WDM Component Polarization Maintaining

WDM Product Fiber Laser PM Fused WDM


1310/1550nm Singlemode Standard Coupler

Hot tags  :  Fiber Optic Fused Coupler Fused Fiber Optic Couplers Component Fused

Coupler for Optical Network


1310/1550nm Singlemode Broadband Coupler

Hot tags  :  Singlemode Broadband Coupler Optical Component Singlemode Broadband

Coupler for Optical Network Singlemode Broadband Coupler for Optical Network Component


980/1550nm Fused WDM

Hot tags  :  980/1550 nm Fused WDM Optical Component Fused WDM for Optical Network





(6 + 1) × 1 Multimode Pump & Signal Combiner

Hot tags  :  (6 + 1) × 1 Multimode Pump & Signal Combiner Multimode Pump


2.5kW (6+1)×1 Backward Pump Combiner

Hot tags  :  high power backward pump combiner high power reverse pump combiner 

AFR combiner


6 kW or Higher 18×1 or (18+1)×1 Pump Combiner (HPPC Series)

Hot tags  :  high power pump combiner Nx1 high power pump combiner (N+1)x1

high power combiner


6 kW or Higher 7x1 Laser Combiner Module (HPLCM Series )

Hot tags  :  high power laser combiner module Nx1 laser combiner module 

6000W laser


F) In-line Polarizer


1064nm In-line Polarizer

Hot tags  :  1064nm In-line Polarizer Opticall Component In-line Polarizer for

Fiber Laser ILP  Fiber Laser Component


1310/1480/1550 nm In-line Faraday Rotator

Hot tags  :  1310/1480/1550 nm Faraday Rotator Mirror Optical Component 

Faraday Rotator Mirror for Fiber Laser 1310/1480/1550 nm Faraday Rotator

Mirror for Optical network


1310/1480/1550nm In-Line Polarizer

Hot tags  :  In-Line Polarizer Optical Component Optical Fiber Sensing

Technology In-line Polarizer for Optical Network


g)Faraday Rotator Mirror


1310/1480/1550 nm In-line Faraday Rotator

Hot tags  :  1310/1480/1550 nm Faraday Rotator Mirror Optical Component 

Faraday Rotator Mirror for Fiber Laser 1310/1480/1550 nm Faraday Rotator

Mirror for Optical Network


1920/2000/2070nm Faraday Mirror

Hot tags  :  Faraday Rotator Mirror Optical Component High Power Faraday

Rotator Mirror High Power

Fiber Optic FM/FR


1310/1480/1550nm Faraday Mirror

Hot tags  :  Faraday Mirrors with Fiber Optic Pigtail Faraday Mirrors Optical

Component Faraday Mirrors for Optical Network


1310/1480/1550nm Maintaining Faraday Mirror

Hot tags  :  Polarization Maintaining Faraday Mirror Optical Component PM Faraday



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